
Our Community

Why do we do this? The short answer:

It’s fun.

Getting Involved

This is not our primary service, but it’s a big part of our business.

During the height of the pandemic business slowed everywhere, but the ones who were hit the hardest were the smaller businesses that depended on serving their local area to keep the lights on. So, I decided to go talk to them.

At first it started with scripted cookie cutter questions, which were fun, and they helped break down that social wall that comes with meeting any stranger.

But my favorite part of these visits was always after these questions. This is where I learned more about them and what lead them to this very moment, inside the business we stood in.

During a period of such little trust for the outside environment and of others, It was energizing to see people light up and share their stories with me. Truly some of my favorite moments in the business.

I met some wonderful people, who just like all of us, were making the best of a situation they couldn’t control. It was a joy to hear the stories of those we’ve met so far, and I look forward to hearing more in the future.

Know A Business Owner We Should Come Talk With?

Let us know!

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